Captive Cetacean Ban
Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) believes that whales and dolphins (cetaceans) are highly intelligent mammals that should not be kept in captivity for entertainment purposes.When plans were introduced to build a dolphin research and exhibition facility in North Kihei, we led the campaign opposing this project. In 2002, Maui County passed a unanimous county-wide ban on the display of captive cetaceans. As major contributors to this effort, we actively promote this win for whales and dolphins to help end cetacean captivity around the world.
Plastic Bag Ban
After testifying in support of banning the distribution of plastic bags on Maui, we’re happy to report that the County Council passed a law in 2011 prohibiting retailers from providing plastic bags to customers. In 2017, PWF partnered with Plastic Oceans Foundation to premiere its film, A Plastic Ocean, on Maui and help educate the public about the global plastic pollution epidemic. This initiative also included partnering with Plastic Oceans Foundation, County of Maui Environmental Protection & Sustainability Division and Atherton Family Foundation to develop our Plastic Pollution Solutions program, which assists Maui Nui teachers in shaping students into future ocean stewards. For more on this and other PWF Education programs, visit our our Education page.

Stopping the Superferry
Pacific Whale Foundation played an active role in stopping the high-speed, inter-island Hawaii Superferry from operating in a critical humpback whale mating and calving area. We joined other Maui environmental groups in calling for the State of Hawaii to require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before initiating the Superferry service to identify potential impacts to marine life, the possible transport of invasive species and traffic congestion issues. In 2007, the state legislature passed a law allowing the Superferry to offer service between Honolulu, Oahu, and Kahului, Maui, while the EIS was conducted. In March 2009, the State Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional and the Superferry operation ceased.
Public Testimony
Offering formal public testimony on ocean-related issues, both locally and around the world, is critical to Pacific Whale Foundation’s advocacy work. Since our founding in 1980, PWF has provided a voice for those who have none. Our research data has helped drive measures, initiative and legislation in defense of whales, dolphins and all marine life.
Spinner dolphin 50 yard approach resolution
In 2016, NOAA and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement that evaluated different options for enhanced management action to protect spinner dolphins in Hawaii. In 2020, PWF partnered with Cascadia Research Collective to analyze spinner dolphin movement and behavior patterns to inform the best conservation measure for Maui Nui (Stack et al. 2020). In July 2021, NOAA released the Final Environmental Impact Statement, open to the public for comment for 30 days. As our research provided clear justification for the proposed 50-yard approach limit, Pacific Whale Foundation worked with Maui County Council to draft a resolution urging NOAA and NMFS to adopt this long-overdue rule so that no further disturbance, disruption, or harassment would occur to spinner dolphins. At its regular meeting of the council this week, the resolution was unanimously adopted by the Council! This means the resolution will be transmitted to the President and Vice President of the United States, Hawai’i State Congressional Delegation in Washington, the Secretary of Commerce, numerous NOAA officials as well as State and Local officials. Hopefully, both Maui and Hawaii Counties efforts in support of this rule will help to expedite its implementation. Mahalo to our supporters for allowing us to continue to advocate for mitigation to the major threats facing whales and dolphins today!
The Council embraces PWF revisions to a proposed bill Restricting use of Disposable Bodyboards
Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) Conservation Division provided testimony to Maui County Council, Friday, July 23, 2021, on Committee Report 21-49, offering support for a proposed bill restricting the sale and rental of disposable bodyboards. Studies currently under way by our Research department, relating to the polystyrene ban, shows potential evidence that some polystyrene pieces found may be from foam bodyboards, therefore greater restrictions are appropriate. The results of PWF’s study will be published in 2022.
PWF provides testimony on rules to implement the Plastic Disposable Foodware Ordinance.
In April of 2020, Maui County passed a law that would ban the sale, use, distribution and offering of plastic disposable foodware (Bill 52, Ordinance number 5084). An extension for implementation was granted to allow businesses more time to prepare for the proposed ban, and the new law is set to go into effect March 1st 2022. Ahead of its implementation, The Department of Environmental Management invited members of the public to provide feedback on the proposed rules and language of the bill. PWF testified to ensure the clarification of certain provisions of the proposed Rules, in order to secure accurate implementation and enforcement of this environmentally sensitive legislation.
The Queensland Shark Control Program, implemented in 1962, aims to protect Australian citizens and tourists alike from human-shark interaction via nets that act as barriers off select populated beaches. Pacific Whale Foundation opposes this outdated program due to the incidentally caught marine life, including whales, dolphins, turtles, and non-target sharks. These nets are ineffective at keeping sharks out of nearshore waters by design and are indiscriminately killing wildlife. We are concerned by the overlap of these nets and the migratory
Multi-Stakeholder Letter of Encouragement to Hawai’i State’s Congressional Delegation
In March 2021, the monumental national legislation Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act was reintroduced to congress for consideration. For a bill to be considered for implementation into law, there must be robust support from members of Congress—both in the House and the Senate. How many members of Congress each state has is dependent on that state’s population. In Hawai’i, we have 4 contributing members in our delegation—and only ONE (Rep. Ed Case District 1) is a co-sponsor for this bill. We outreached to a number of nonprofits, small businesses, and other community organizations throughout the state to sign on in support of this encouragement letter and sent it off to our State’s Congressional Delegation. We hope that with multi-stakeholder support, the letter carries more weight and is representative of many facets of the community. We will continue utilizing opportunities to advocate for the kind of legislation that helps protect the health of our ocean from the detriments of marine debris!
NOAA Requests Input from Scientists, Researchers, and Fishers on President Biden’s Executive Order
In March 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order entitled “Tackling Climate Change Here and Abroad” that outlined a number of orders to agencies to help find and implement solutions to climate change. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was charged with collecting recommendations from scientists, researchers, and fishers on how to create more resilient fisheries and protected resources. Here at PWF, we focus on increasing ecosystem resilience in the face of climate change and strive to better understand the impacts of this threat. Follow the link to read our four recommendations to NOAA for consideration.
PWF Opposes Permit Issuance from Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC)
Back in January of 2019, PWF submitted comment on PIJAC’s first Draft Environmental Impact Statement. We outlined several flaws with the statement, and ultimately opposed the issuance of commercial aquarium collection from the West Hawai’i Regional Fishery Management Area (off the west coast of the Big Island). In February of 2021, PIJAC released a revised Draft EIS for public review and comment. Pacific Whale Foundation supports aquaria for educational purposes but could not verify the final destination of the marine life caught under these permits. In addition, we believe in taking the precautionary approach where there is not enough science to support no impact on an ecosystem. See the link for our full comment on the matter.
In February 2021, The Australian Government invited permitted whale researchers, as well as members of the general public, to provide comments on the eligibility of the humpback whale for removal from the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) threatened species list. We believe that although this distinct population segment (DPS) of humpback whales has had a consistent growth rate and has been rebounding since the end of commercial whaling, a number of other threats have been introduced to their environments since. As such, PWF wrote to encourage the Australian Government to implement a post-delisting monitoring plan to assist in the continuation of health monitoring of humpback whales as it pertains to the threats faced against them. See link to read full comments.
The Queensland Shark Control Program, implemented in 1962, attempts to protect Australian citizens and tourists alike from human-shark interaction via nets that act as barriers off select beaches. These nets, intended as non-lethal protection, have killed countless marine life via entanglement, including entangling at least 6 humpback whales so far this year (2020). Additionally, by design, they are ineffective at keeping sharks out of shallow waters frequented by humans. A number of scientists and marine conservation organizations have drafted a letter to urge the Queensland government to remedy and mitigate the impacts of shark netting by considering alternatives. PacWhale Eco-Adventures Australia as industry representatives, and Pacific Whale Foundation as whale researchers, have signed on to this letter in support of the effective management to stop entanglements of whales and other marine wildlife.
In February of 2020, Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) and Representative Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) introduced the monumental Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act at the federal level. This legislation is a first of its kind bill to address the pervasive single-use plastics issue, currently wreaking havoc on environments across the globe. The bill goes beyond the elimination of harmful single use plastics, and attempts to address international plastic exports, container deposit and refund programs, and producer responsibility policies. The bill currently has 79 co-sponsors in the House from across the U.S., including Hawaii District 1 Representative, Congressman Ed Case. Pacific Whale Foundation has written to Hawai’i’s District 2 Representative, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to encourage her co-sponsorship of the bill. We also believe support from both the House and Senate are crucial for the passing of this legislation, so we have written to Hawai’i’s State Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono encouraging them to sign on as co-sponsors in the Senate.
In the Fall of 2019, it was brought to the attention of The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) that there are 2 unexploded ordnances (UXO) within Molokini Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD) that were not previously known. It is likely these UXOs are leftover World War II-era munitions. The DLNR believes these UXO’s pose a risk to public safety and remediation action must be taken. Since “detonation in place” has been used in the past as a remediation effort within Molokini, with wildlife consequences, Pacific Whale Foundation is encouraging Governor Ige and the DLNR to explore alternatives to this option for the safety of marine life found in the conservation district.
Using the island of Oahu’s legislative momentum, Maui County passed an amendment to the existing ban on polystyrene food containers to include all single-use plastic disposable foodware items, including forks, knives, spoons, straws, coffee stirrers, cocktail picks and chopsticks. The amendment passed County Council hearing on April 17th, 2020 and will go into effect March 1st 2022. Pacific Whale Foundation’s own research has shown single-use plastics to be a common debris item found on beaches and shorelines. There is also mounting evidence of the detriments of plastics on the marine environment. This win is a huge step in the right direction to combating the pervasive and global issue of single-use plastics impact on the marine environment
Support: Proposed Bill to Reduce Various Single-Use Plastic Products Across the State of Hawaii
In 2019, the State of Hawaii proposed a bill to reduce single-use plastic products. Plastic pollution is a global issue and many of its harmful effects are evident in Hawaii. A recent baseline study published by Currie et al. (2018) found 90% of nearshore macro debris in Maui Nui to be plastics, and of the ~25,000 pieces of debris collected from Pacific Whale Foundation’s Coastal Marine Debris Monitoring program, 84% of debris was plastic as well. By limiting the sale and distribution of common plastic pollutants such as straws, utensils, food containers and bags, Hawaii would be on track to help reduce plastic marine debris that would hopefully initiate change around the world.
Support: Proposed Regulations for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
In 2016, NOAA / National Marine Fisheries Service published a proposed rule to prohibit swimming-with and approaching Hawaiian spinner dolphins within 50 yards. Spinner dolphins spend the daytime resting in bays and nearshore areas after feeding offshore at night. Disruption of the resting behavior can impact the overall fitness of spinner dolphins and their ability to forage. The proposed regulations align with our Be Dolphin Wise set of best practices for tour operations, and we support the proposed rule.
Oppose: Petition to Remove North Pacific Humpback Whale from Endangered Species List
Pacific Whale Foundation acknowledges that the best available science indicates that the number of humpback whales has increased in the North Pacific. However, we urge NOAA to assume the precautionary principle when addressing this issue, and do not believe that delisting is warranted at this time. It is likely that pre-exploitation levels of North Pacific humpbacks numbered around 100,000. To achieve the state recovery goal of 60% carrying capacity would thus require the current population to number 60,000 individuals – three times the current population estimate.
Press Release: Maui County Council Passes Tobacco-Free Beaches and Parks Bill
On Tuesday, April 22, 2014 (Earth Day!), the Maui County Council voted unanimously in support of the Tobacco-Free Beaches and Parks bill. The day was historic for environmental and public health organizations on Maui, who are looking forward to cleaner cleaner beaches and coastlines for Maui County. The success of the bill hinges on education and outreach, and will rely heavily on community-based enforcement.
Support: Prohibiting Tobacco Use and Tobacco Products in Maui County Parks (final reading) 4/22/2014
Support: Prohibiting Tobacco Use and Tobacco Products in County Parks (Maui County) 3/14/2014
Cigarette butts are the number one most littered item in the world. They are toxic and pose a hazard for marine life, coastal communities, and the public. Both Oahu and the Big Island have already implemented some form of tobacco-free beaches legislation. Pacific Whale Foundation has been raising awareness about cigarette butt litter for nearly a decade, and we are ready to see Maui County take the next step towards solving an incredibly pervasive and chronic environmental issue. Learn more about Pacific Whale Foundation’s Tobacco-Free Beaches and Parks campaign.
In the 1970’s, killer whales (orcas) from the Northwest Pacific were rounded up by wranglers, herded into pens and then sold into captivity. A female orca named “Lolita” was eventually sent to the Miami Seaquarium where she has remained for the past 40 years. Lolita is a member of the Southern Resident killer whale (SRKW) distinct population segment, which was listed as “Endangered” on the U.S. Endangered Species List in 2005. She is the sole member of the SRKW population that remains in captivity, but has yet to be included under the endangered listing because of her captive status. National Marine Fisheries Service is currently reviewing a petition that seeks to amend the Endangered Species Act so as to recognize Lolita under the Endangered Species Act, which could increase the likelihood of Lolita’s eventual release from captivity.
Support: Proposed rule updates to the Maui/Lanai fishing regulations 12/6/2013
Healthy fish populations are essential to maintaining healthy coral reef ecosystems. While a number of factors contribute to declines in fish populations, overfishing (removing fish from the environment at a rate faster than the fish can repopulate) is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. The Department of Land and Natural Resources has been working extensively to reformulate the current fishing regulations. The proposed regulations are a combination of minimum and maximum size limits, catch limits, and open/closed seasons. Pacific Whale Foundation supports the regulations because they are comprehensive, species specific and rely on best available science with regards to the biology and life history of reef fish.
In April 2013, the Hawaii Fishermen’s Alliance for Conservation and Tradition, Inc. petitioned the federal government to re-classify the North Pacific population of humpback whale as a Distinct Population Segment, and then to remove this Distinct Population Segment from the Endangered Species List. Pacific Whale Foundation feels that removal of this species from the endangered species list is premature and unwarranted. The petition for removal does not adequately acknowledge the complexity of the North Pacific humpback whale stock, nor does it critically evaluate the status of the stock in relation to data gaps and current threats.
Support: Amend the Shark Conservation Act so that federal regulations do not supercede stricter state legislation
Support: State Bill 26 to adopt an amendment that specifically defines “sustainable” with respect to reef fish populations 1/28/2013
Opposed: Georgia Aquarium Application to Import 18 Beluga Whales (File No. 17324) 10/12/12
In June 2012, the Georgia Aquarium submitted an application for a Marine Mammal Protection Act Permit. The application requested authorization to import 18 beluga whales from the Utrish Marine Mammal Research Station in Russia to the U.S. for the purpose of public display. The animals were previously captured from the Russian Sea of Okhotsk. Pacific Whale Foundation adamantly opposes the capture and captivity of any marine mammal for public display purposes. We believe that the public display of marine mammals is not necessary to engage people, and instead provides the public with a false picture of the animal’s natural lives. On August 5, 2013 the Federal government denied Georgia’s Aquarium’s permit application.Comments: Removing Hawaii’s green sea turtle from the Endangered Species List 9/28/12 In June 2012, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) petitioned the federal government to delist the Hawaii population of the green sea turtle from the Endangered Species List. AHCC maintains that the increase in nesting female abundance over the past 30 years warrants delisting. Pacific Whale Foundation notes that while the number of nesting females has increased, this number does not meet stated recovery goals. Furthermore, threats to sea turtles in the Hawaiian Islands have not been eliminated. Pacific Whale Foundation asks the federal government to carefully and prudently consider the petition in relation to the best available science and the definition of a “recovered” population.
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) requested a Coastal Commission permit to begin a series of high-energy surveys along 130 miles of ocean in order to better understand the fault lines and seismic safety of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. The surveys were to be conducted by a 235-foot vessel towing a 1/4-mile-wide array of submerged, 250-decibel air cannons that would discharge every 15 seconds, night and day, for 17 days. Pacific Whale Foundation joined other environmentalists in arguing that the environmental impact of the surveys (such as injury and/or disruption of thousands of marine mammals including whales, dolphins, seals and sea otters) greatly outweighed the survey benefits. In November 2012, the California Coastal Commission denied PG&E the permit.
Letter of Concern: Shoreline hardening along Maui’s Ukumehame Beach Park 8/14/2012
Honoapi’ilani Highway serves as the main artery into and out of Maui’s west side. Due to large, summer south swells and short-sighted planning, certain shoreline portions of the highway are severely threatened by coastal erosion. This prompted then Governor Neil Abercrombie to approve shoreline armoring along the Ukumehame portion of the highway under the tsunami disaster declaration. This action was exempt from environmental monitoring, and resulted in severe sedimentation of the reef directly adjacent to the hardening project. Pacific Whale Foundation advocates for sustainable coastal planning that considers the environmental impact of projects, which was not the case with the Ukumehame shoreline hardening project.
Opposed: Olowalu Town Development – County of Maui, General Plan Committee 7/23/2012
Olowalu Reef is one of the largest and healthiest reefs on the island of Maui. Located on Maui’s west side (south of Lahaina), Olowalu supports a manta ray cleaning station, serves as a black tip reef shark nursery, provides shoreline protection to the coast, and is responsible for seeding reefs along west Maui, Lanai and Molokai. A proposed, large-scale development on the hills above Olowalu reef will threaten the health and functionality of the reef.
Support: List Hawaiian insular population of False Killer Whales as “Endangered” 1/20/2011
Pacific Whale Foundation’s Research Director Daniela Maldini, Ph.D. testified at a hearing in Honolulu on January 20, 2011 in support of adding the Hawaiian insular population of false killer whales to the U.S. Endangered Species list.
In Hawaii, there are three populations of false killer whales: offshore (pelagic), Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and a Main Hawaiian Islands population known as the Hawaiian insular population. Due to its extremely small population size (fewer than 200) and limited range, the Natural Resource Defense Council petitioned in 2009 to list the Hawaiian insular population of false killer whales as “Endangered” under the Endangered Species Act.
Pacific Whale Foundation supported this effort by gathering thousands of petition signatures, as well as providing scientific testimony. In 2010, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) released a final Status Review concluding that the population was both a distinct population segment and at a “high risk of extinction”. And in 2012, NMFS officially announced that the Hawaiian insular population of false killer whales was to be listed as an Endangered Species.
Protect the Endangered 5

Thanks in part to advocacy, activism and protective measures around the world, the humpback whale population has been steadily increasing since the 1980s. For example, over the past four decades the number of North Pacific humpbacks has flourished from about 1,000 animals to over 23,000 – with as many as 14,000 humpback whales migrating to Hawaii every winter1. Despite numerous human-made and environmental pressures that continue to pose serious threats, “Save The Whales” is a call to action that has made a real difference.
Sadly, the same success story is not the case for all marine animals struggling to survive in their natural ocean habitat. In 2017-18, Pacific Whale Foundation created an annual conservation campaign entitled “Protect the Endangered 5.” Funds raised during the campaign were donated to researchers studying five endangered cetaceans on the brink of extinction: the Hawaiian False Killer Whale, the Chilean Blue Whale, the Maui Dolphin, the Arabian Sea Humpback Whale, and the Vaquita.

False killer whales are a type of dolphin that lives in tropical and temperate waters around the world. They get their namesake from the resemblance of their skulls to that of killer whales (orcas). In Hawaii, there are three distinct populations of false killer whales. The Main Hawaiian Islands insular population is listed under the Endangered Species Act. Their numbers have declined in numbers dramatically over the past 20 years and it is estimated that less than 150 individual animals remain in this population. They are slow to recover from human impacts, including interactions with fisheries, reduced food supply, and exposure to pollutants. When they were listed as endangered in 2012, the National Marine Fisheries Service noted “a probability of greather-than-90-percent likelihood of the DPS [designated population segment] declining to fewer than 20 individuals within 75 years, which would result in functional extinction beyond the point where recovery is possible.”

The blue whale is the largest animal to ever exist and was almost exterminated by commercial whaling. The blue whale is distributed globally but is one of the rarest species of whale. Only one population off the coast of California in the eastern North Pacific Ocean is showing signs of recovery. Recently it was discovered that blue whales found off the southern coast of Chile may represent a unique population or a subspecies of blue whale. Based on differences in the Chilean blue whale and the other known populations, the International Whaling Commission determined that blue whales off Isla de Chiloe need to be managed as a separate population. Little is known about this population, but it appears that Chilean blue whales are the smallest population of blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere. Like other large whales, blue whales are threatened by pollution, habitat loss, overfishing, fishing gear entanglements, vessel collisions, and climate change.

The Maui dolphin is the world’s smallest known dolphin. It is a subspecies of the Hector’s dolphin and is found only off the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island. The Maui dolphin is threatened primarily by certain fishing methods such as set-netting and trawling, although disease, pollution, mining, and natural predation are also factors impacting their survival. Estimates from 2012 indicate that only 55 individual animals remain in this population. In 2014, despite calls for greater protection efforts for the Maui dolphin, the New Zealand government opened up the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary for oil drilling. This area is the main habitat of the Maui dolphin, and in 2015 the population was estimated to be as low as 43 individuals, of which only 10 were reproductively mature females.

Arabian Sea humpback whales are a discrete population of whales that lives in the Arabian Sea year-round and does not migrate. High productivity and upwelling (cold water rising from the deep toward the surface) create conditions suitable for feeding as well as breeding. This is the most isolated and endangered population of humpback whales in the world, thought to contain less than 100 individual animals. Today, it is one of only four humpback whale populations still listed by the Endangered Species Act, and is at a high risk of extinction without conservation efforts. The Arabian Sea humpback whales face unique threats, given that they do not migrate, but instead feed and breed in the same, relatively constrained geographic location. Energy exploration, fishing gear entanglements, disease, vessel collisions, and climate change are likely to reduce the size and/or growth rate of this population.

The vaquita is a tiny porpoise found only off the coast of Mexico in the northern Gulf of California. The greatest threat to this species is entanglement in gillnets (vertical panels of fishing nets typically set in a straight line). It was estimated in 2012 that there were 200 vaquitas remaining, a number which dropped to half that by 2014 and to 60 vaquitas in 2016. The latest estimates published in 2017 indicate that only 30 vaquitas remain. The government of Mexico has taken a number of steps to protect this species, including establishing a refuge to protect their core habitat and banning gillnets within range of vaquitas. Unfortunately, illegal fishing using gillnets is still rampant and it is predicted that the vaquita could go extinct as early as 2018.
¹ Gregory D. Kaufman and Paul H. Forestell, Hawaii’s Humpback Whales: The Ultimate Guide, Island Heritage Publishing, 2014.
Tobacco-Free Beaches and Parks
Cigarette butts represent the most common type of litter found along Maui’s coastlines. Pacific Whale Foundation and other environmental organizations supported a bill passed by Maui County in April 2014 that prohibits the use of tobacco products, including cigarette smoking, in designated county areas. In June 2015, the state of Hawaii passed a similar tobacco-free policy for state beaches and parks.
In 2016, Pacific Whale Foundation was awarded a grant from NOAA’s Marine Debris Program to develop a holistic public awareness campaign that will educate the community on marine debris issues, specifically with respect to tobacco-related litter on Maui beaches. This resulted in PWF launching our 2016-17 annual conservation campaign entitled “Tobacco-Free Beaches & Parks.” Our goal is to impact public attitudes and personal behaviors in measurable ways that limit the increase of marine debris in the world’s oceans.
Paniaka Wetland Restoration

Wetlands in south Maui historically served a significant cultural role for early settlements and an important ecological role for native flora and fauna. Beachfront development has drastically reduced both the number and size of south Maui wetlands. Environmental groups have offered to restore and preserve Paniaka Wetland, located near the southern end of Big Beach (Oneloa Beach).
The Paniaka Restoration Project seeks to re-establish the wetland as a significant cultural and ecological site. All restoration activities are being conducted under a curator agreement with the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and carried out through the Oneloa Coalition, a group of community organizations and local residents dedicated to preserving Makena State Park.
Makena State Park was created when the State of Hawaii purchased the 165 acres along the southwestern coastline in order to protect the area’s wilderness, as well as three remaining wetlands: Paniaka, North Pu’u Ola’i, and South Pu’u Ola’i.
Today, Paniaka and its environs have been colonized by a number of non-native and invasive plant species, which are not only altering the physical landscape and natural ecosystem, but also restricting the growth of native plants. In addition, predators introduced into the area are hindering the recovery of key species, particularly endangered birds.
The Paniaka Restoration Project aims to restore native flora and fauna within and around the area, which includes removing alien vegetation and conserving the area once restored.
Public input and participation is crucial to the success of restoring Paniaka. Groups and individuals interested in getting involved with the Paniaka Restoration Project can contact [email protected]. Donations to the Paniaka Restoration Project are also greatly appreciated.
Reef Safe Sunscreen

Sustainable Seafood
Many wild fish populations are on the verge of collapse due to overfishing and habitat-related issues. Your choices can make a difference. As you shop or dine at restaurants, just remember to TASTE to become an informed, conscientious consumer:
- Try something different. Switch between species every so often to keep fish stocks level and healthy. It’s a great way to discover a new sustainably sourced fish you never knew you loved.
- Ask the grocery store or restaurant how their fish is caught. Choose fish that are pole and line caught or farmed sustainably. Avoid methods such as bottom trawling, ghost fishing, longlines and poison/explosives.
- Species – Choose you species wisely and avoid purchasing from depleted stocks. Seafood Watch is a good resource to see what species to avoid and which are good alternatives.
- Tag – Check for the blue Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) tag to ensure your fish is coming from a sustainable fishery. They have strict rules for certification and periodically test fish for accuracy.
- Eat local seafood when you can. It is often caught using less damaging fishing practices than commercially caught seafood.
Pacific Whale Foundation supports the recommendations of the Marine Stewardship Council. As one of the world’s leading certification programs, the MSC does not endorse the two Hawaiian longline fisheries, which aligns with our organizational values. Longline fishing is a commercial fishing technique that uses a long line with baited hooks attached at intervals. This poses a significant threat to marine life such as seabirds, sea turtles, sharks and dolphins. We are especially concerned with the danger longline fishing presents to the endangered population of false killer whales found in Hawaii that we are working to protect.
To learn more about the Marine Stewardship Council, visit www.msc.org and to find certified fisheries in your area, visit https://fisheries.org/