Partnered with our education specialists at Pacific Whale Foundation, our education and resource fair provide Kamaliʻi (children) with the free opportunity to learn from organizations on Maui that work to protect Maui’s ecosystems. This is also an opportunity for child and family focused organizations to share their important work with the community and offer families helpful resources.
This event is not only a chance to learn from community organizations but a time to have fun! We hold raffles every half hour during the event, handing out prizes such as games, gift cards and trip vouchers to PacWhale Eco-Adventures! We hope to see you and your ‘ohana at our next keiki event coming June 8th!
Please see Pacific Whale Foundations event calendar for the next “For Da Keiki” event
Mahalo to the organizations that have joined us for this event and for all our volunteers that keep this event running. PACT, PATCH Childcare, Child Family Services, Maui Youth & Family Services, Boys & Girls Club, Maui Family Support Services, The Digital Bus, Maui AIDS Foundation, Kalauokekahuli, Native Hawaiian Philanthropy, Liliʻuokalani Trust, Nā Keiki O Emalia, Maui Ocean Center, Marine Mammal Center, Maui Forest Bird and Recovery, Kīpuka Olowalu, NOAA Humpback Whale Sanctuary, Cirque Jolie and ProArts. Entertainment by Jae Wilder, ProArts, and Molly Eichenberger.
If your organization would like to patriciate at the event, please email us at [email protected].
To donate to this event please click here.